If we are talking about Turkey, must some of you will think about Hamman Bath. Hamman Bath is one of the Turkish culture which had been done a long time ago. People said, if you are going to Turkey, do not forget to try Hamman Bath. Around Istanbul, Hamman Bath House will charge you around 100TL, I can say it is quite expensive and that is why I did not try it in Istanbul. It must be too many tourist in Istanbul because my friends told me that a few years back, the hamman bath price only around 15TL.
Selcuk Hamami Turkish Bath situated just next to the Selcuk Police Station |
Sebenarnya, aku memang ingin mencuba hamman bath ini. Salah satu sebab adalah ia pengalaman sekali seumur hidup, keduanya adalah untuk cacatan blog ini dan catatan perjalanan aku di Facebook. Membaca tentang Hamman Bath di internet, aku masih tidak dapat membayangkan bagaimana proses hamman bath ini dilakukan sehinggalah aku mengalaminya sendiri.
Actually, I really want to experience the hamman bath. One of the reason is because it is once in the lifetime experience, and second thing is for my blog post and my journey diary in my Facebook. Reading about Hamman Bath online, I still can't imagine how the process of the Hamman Bath until I experience it by myself.
Ini adalah berdasarkan catatan aku di Facebook. Aku mengambil keputusan untuk mencuba Hamman Bath di Selcuk, pada jam 8.30malam setelah seharian menerokai Ephesus.
This is based on my journey diary on my Facebook. I decided to try the Hamman Bath at Selcuk around 8.30pm after exploring the Ephesus.
1. Ada satu jer in Selçuk (Read TripAdvisor - Selcuk Hamman), just situated sebelah balai polis. Decided
to try because its cheaper if compare to Istanbul. 45TL for full package
1. The only one Hamman Bath in Selcuk (Read TripAdvisor - Selcuk Hamman), situated next to the police station. Decided to try here because its cheaper compares to Istanbul. 45TL for full package.
2. Owner dia sangat friendly, even aku rasa nervous, tapi lepas dia greet bagai macam rasa welcoming, aku jadi relax sikit. First, dier bukak laci kecik, n suruh kita letak brg2 berharga...pastu kunci kita pegang (bentuk gelang)
2. The owner is friendly, I felt nervous at first, but after they proper greet me and then I felt very welcoming, I became more relax. First, they open the small drawer and asked you to put all the valuable things, and then he locked the drawer, gave us the key (bracelet shape)
3. Lepas tu dier bagi kain, mcm sarung tapi keras mcm kain kat dapur bila dah kering. Proceed to changing room. Changing room dier besar and ada sofa & meja, so if ada nember tunggu, boleh tunggu dalam changing room nie. Baju sangkut n pakai sarung yg dier bagi. Tak payah pakai pakaian dalam kecuali korang ada bawak yang lain. Lepas itu, korang kluar dari changing room dalam keadaan separuh bogel, dan diperkenalkan dengan orang yang akan incharge hamman bath uolz. Orang tua berbadan gempal!
3. Then, he gave the loin cloth, it looks like sarung but its hard like kitchen cloth when its dry. Proceed to changing room. The changing room is big and got a sofa & table, so if you have friends waiting for you, they can wait inside this changing room. Put your cloths on the hanger and use the loin cloth they gave to you just now. You no need to wear underwear unless you have bring some spare underwear. Later, you got out from the changing room half naked, dengan they will introduce to you they one who in charge with your hamman bath. The old and fat turkish man.
4. Then proceed to bath room. Bath room ni kat tgh2 ada mcm meja marmar yg besar untuk baring. Actually meja ni panas mcm sauna. Sekeliling pulak ada bilik air. Pastu kat depan ada space for hamam bath.
4. Then proceed to the bath soon. At the middle of the bathroom, there is large round marble slab for laying down. Actually, this marble slab is hot like sauna. Around the room is shower room and toilet. At front, have small rectangular marble small for the hamman bath took place.
5. Dia suruh kita mandi dulu. Tapi dia tunjuk bilik yang ada shower sejuk. Aku try mandi, sejuk giler. Anyway, nak bagitau yang Turkey sekarang ni still dalam musim sejuk, peralihan ke musim bunga. Aku dah habis mandi, aku tunggu orang tu tak datang-datang, so aku baring je kat meja marmar besar kat tgh2 tu. Best nya, panas dia suam-suam!
5. He asked me to take shower first. But he showed me the shower room only with cold shower. I try to take shower, it is too cold. Anywat, for your indo, currently Turkey still in winter season, changing to spring season. After I finished shower, I waited for the guys of incharge of me but he did not showed up, so I decided to lay on the mable slab in the middle of the room. Feeling nice, because this slab is moderately hot.
6. Dalam 10 minit, pakcik tu datang. Panggil aku suruh baring kat meja panjang kat depan. Pastu, bermulalah hamam bath.
6. After 10 minutes, the uncle come back. He asked me to lay down at the front marble table. Then, the hamman bath begins.
7. Sesi pertama, badan kene gosok dgn berus seperti scothbright hijau
itew.... Ngeri OK... Nak tergelak pun ada sebab dier gosok seluruh
badan. Semua daki2 memang akan luntur walaupun anda mandi setiap hari. Posisi adalah meniarap, mengiring
hadapan n dudok. So nie mmg bagus untuk yg x suka mandi.
7. First session, you body will be scrub using loofer and feel like they using the green scothbright brush. Worst feeling ever. I really want to laugh that time when he started to scrub around my body. All the dead skins will come out even you took bath everyday. 3 position will took place, lay down, lay up and sit position. So, this session is good for the one who hate to take proper bath at home.
8. Lepas habis gosok ng berus (kecuali muka & tempat sulit(, dia suruh mandi, hilangkan daki2 tadi. Dah bersih. Pegi balik kat dier.
8. After complete he scrub the whole body (except the face & private area), he asked us to take shower again, to remove all the dead skin. After completed, back to the front marble slab.
9. Ini pulak sesi ke2. Tiga posisi biasa. Tapi kali ini adalah sesi buih. Dia rendam kain dalam baldi buih, pastu dia letak kain buih atas badan. Omaigad, banyak giler buih.
9. This is the second session. 3 normal position. But this session involving bubble, a lot of bubble. He put sort of cloth in the pile of soap, then he out the cloth on our body, producing a lot of bubble....
10. Sambil dia sapu buih seperti menyabun badan kita, dia buat massage skali gus. Ko bygkan slalu massage pkai minyak ni plak pakai buih... Hahaha... Time dier letak buih kat kepala, mmg aku nak tergelak besar. If member aku kat situ jugak, confirm kami dah guling2 gelak sbb sgt lucu OK.
10. While they put the the bubble like a soap on our body, he also do the massage. You can imagine, before this always massaging using the old, but now using bubbles. Hahaha. LoL. When he want to put the bubble on my head, I really want to laugh out loud. If I go with my friends, confirms we are laughing out on the floor because this moment is so funny ok.!
11. Pas abis main buih, dia simbah dgn air panas plak.. Panas dowww... Hahahhaa
11. After finished playing with bubble, they shower us with hot water. I mean really hot water. Hahaha
12. Then, abis tu, dia suruh shower balik untuk kali ke-3
12. After that, he asked me to shower again for the 3rd time.
13. After shower, tamatlah sesi hamman bath, n kita boleh relax kat meja panas sauna yg besar tgh2 ni sampai korang puas.. Mmg best. So sini, depends korang nak relax sampai bila (sampai tutup pun boleh)
13. After shower, now the hamman bath completed. Now we can relax on the big marble slab in the middle of the room as long as you want (or until it close). Really nice.
14. Once dah puas, dia suruh shower lagi (kali ke-4), then tukar ngan sarong kering.
14. Once you satisfied, he asked you to shower again (4th Time) and change with the dry loin cloth.
15. Dah pakai sarung kering, kluar kat lobby, ada orang bagi towel n balut terus kat badan. Then bagi lagi towel kecik terus dia ikat sanggul kat kepala kita
15. Using the dry loin cloth, go out to the looby, outside they will gave you towel and he wrapped around your body, then another small towel they wrapped around your head.
16. Dia bagi minum teh. Lepak2 tgk TV sambil tunggu badan kering.
16. They gave me hot tea (cay). Hang out here watching Turkish TV until your body dry.
17. Once ready, pegi changing room n get ready utk balik
17. Once ready, back to changing room and get ready to go back home (hostel).
1. The only one Hamman Bath in Selcuk (Read TripAdvisor - Selcuk Hamman), situated next to the police station. Decided to try here because its cheaper compares to Istanbul. 45TL for full package.
2. Owner dia sangat friendly, even aku rasa nervous, tapi lepas dia greet bagai macam rasa welcoming, aku jadi relax sikit. First, dier bukak laci kecik, n suruh kita letak brg2 berharga...pastu kunci kita pegang (bentuk gelang)
2. The owner is friendly, I felt nervous at first, but after they proper greet me and then I felt very welcoming, I became more relax. First, they open the small drawer and asked you to put all the valuable things, and then he locked the drawer, gave us the key (bracelet shape)
3. Lepas tu dier bagi kain, mcm sarung tapi keras mcm kain kat dapur bila dah kering. Proceed to changing room. Changing room dier besar and ada sofa & meja, so if ada nember tunggu, boleh tunggu dalam changing room nie. Baju sangkut n pakai sarung yg dier bagi. Tak payah pakai pakaian dalam kecuali korang ada bawak yang lain. Lepas itu, korang kluar dari changing room dalam keadaan separuh bogel, dan diperkenalkan dengan orang yang akan incharge hamman bath uolz. Orang tua berbadan gempal!
3. Then, he gave the loin cloth, it looks like sarung but its hard like kitchen cloth when its dry. Proceed to changing room. The changing room is big and got a sofa & table, so if you have friends waiting for you, they can wait inside this changing room. Put your cloths on the hanger and use the loin cloth they gave to you just now. You no need to wear underwear unless you have bring some spare underwear. Later, you got out from the changing room half naked, dengan they will introduce to you they one who in charge with your hamman bath. The old and fat turkish man.
4. Then proceed to bath room. Bath room ni kat tgh2 ada mcm meja marmar yg besar untuk baring. Actually meja ni panas mcm sauna. Sekeliling pulak ada bilik air. Pastu kat depan ada space for hamam bath.
4. Then proceed to the bath soon. At the middle of the bathroom, there is large round marble slab for laying down. Actually, this marble slab is hot like sauna. Around the room is shower room and toilet. At front, have small rectangular marble small for the hamman bath took place.
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Large marble slab at the center of the bath house. Image source: captivatingcappadocia.com |
5. Dia suruh kita mandi dulu. Tapi dia tunjuk bilik yang ada shower sejuk. Aku try mandi, sejuk giler. Anyway, nak bagitau yang Turkey sekarang ni still dalam musim sejuk, peralihan ke musim bunga. Aku dah habis mandi, aku tunggu orang tu tak datang-datang, so aku baring je kat meja marmar besar kat tgh2 tu. Best nya, panas dia suam-suam!
5. He asked me to take shower first. But he showed me the shower room only with cold shower. I try to take shower, it is too cold. Anywat, for your indo, currently Turkey still in winter season, changing to spring season. After I finished shower, I waited for the guys of incharge of me but he did not showed up, so I decided to lay on the mable slab in the middle of the room. Feeling nice, because this slab is moderately hot.
6. Dalam 10 minit, pakcik tu datang. Panggil aku suruh baring kat meja panjang kat depan. Pastu, bermulalah hamam bath.
6. After 10 minutes, the uncle come back. He asked me to lay down at the front marble table. Then, the hamman bath begins.
7. First session, you body will be scrub using loofer and feel like they using the green scothbright brush. Worst feeling ever. I really want to laugh that time when he started to scrub around my body. All the dead skins will come out even you took bath everyday. 3 position will took place, lay down, lay up and sit position. So, this session is good for the one who hate to take proper bath at home.
8. Lepas habis gosok ng berus (kecuali muka & tempat sulit(, dia suruh mandi, hilangkan daki2 tadi. Dah bersih. Pegi balik kat dier.
8. After complete he scrub the whole body (except the face & private area), he asked us to take shower again, to remove all the dead skin. After completed, back to the front marble slab.
9. Ini pulak sesi ke2. Tiga posisi biasa. Tapi kali ini adalah sesi buih. Dia rendam kain dalam baldi buih, pastu dia letak kain buih atas badan. Omaigad, banyak giler buih.
9. This is the second session. 3 normal position. But this session involving bubble, a lot of bubble. He put sort of cloth in the pile of soap, then he out the cloth on our body, producing a lot of bubble....
10. Sambil dia sapu buih seperti menyabun badan kita, dia buat massage skali gus. Ko bygkan slalu massage pkai minyak ni plak pakai buih... Hahaha... Time dier letak buih kat kepala, mmg aku nak tergelak besar. If member aku kat situ jugak, confirm kami dah guling2 gelak sbb sgt lucu OK.
10. While they put the the bubble like a soap on our body, he also do the massage. You can imagine, before this always massaging using the old, but now using bubbles. Hahaha. LoL. When he want to put the bubble on my head, I really want to laugh out loud. If I go with my friends, confirms we are laughing out on the floor because this moment is so funny ok.!
Selcuk Hamami Turkish Bath, 45TL for full package |
11. After finished playing with bubble, they shower us with hot water. I mean really hot water. Hahaha
12. Then, abis tu, dia suruh shower balik untuk kali ke-3
12. After that, he asked me to shower again for the 3rd time.
13. After shower, tamatlah sesi hamman bath, n kita boleh relax kat meja panas sauna yg besar tgh2 ni sampai korang puas.. Mmg best. So sini, depends korang nak relax sampai bila (sampai tutup pun boleh)
13. After shower, now the hamman bath completed. Now we can relax on the big marble slab in the middle of the room as long as you want (or until it close). Really nice.
14. Once dah puas, dia suruh shower lagi (kali ke-4), then tukar ngan sarong kering.
14. Once you satisfied, he asked you to shower again (4th Time) and change with the dry loin cloth.
15. Dah pakai sarung kering, kluar kat lobby, ada orang bagi towel n balut terus kat badan. Then bagi lagi towel kecik terus dia ikat sanggul kat kepala kita
15. Using the dry loin cloth, go out to the looby, outside they will gave you towel and he wrapped around your body, then another small towel they wrapped around your head.
16. Dia bagi minum teh. Lepak2 tgk TV sambil tunggu badan kering.
16. They gave me hot tea (cay). Hang out here watching Turkish TV until your body dry.
17. Once ready, pegi changing room n get ready utk balik
17. Once ready, back to changing room and get ready to go back home (hostel).
1. Should I took the Hamman Bath Package or Walk In?
Answer: Walk-In should be ok. If you happened found some hamman house near to your hotel, just walk-in. Walk-in is cheaper than you took tour package from your hotel because they want some commision. But, when you sign up the tour from your hotel, there will be pick-up service.
2. I only visited Istanbul, should I try even it expensive?
Answer: If you only visited Istanbul, I suggest you to look around and asking some locals. Because there a some bath house only popular among tourist, and there are some bath house are popular among the locals. I heard somewhere in Fethiye got 1 cheap bathhouse, but I am not sure where. Careful when you want to walk-in the bathhouse in Taksim, 1 of it is for gay hamman bath house.
3. How about hamman for the women/girl?
Answer: Nowadays, there a lot of the hamman bath house offers the bath for women/girl. They have their own women section. And the one who gave you the hamman bath also a women. So, no need to worry.
4. Was it worth to try?
Answer: For me yes, I never experience this kind of thing before. I am not hate it and love it. Just neutral feeling, At least I experience it now.
5. I heard peoples are naked in there?
Answer: No, naked publicly is never allowed in Turkey including in the Hamman Bath House. Make sure to keep your loin cloth all the time in the Hamman Bath.