Krabi for the 2nd Time

Pad Thai, 50 baht
Aku sedang berada di Yangon, Myanmar apabila aku mendapat SMS notification dari AirAsia tentang flight aku ke Krabi. Aku time tu terkejut jugak sebab aku memang ingat aku tidak membeli tiket ke Krabi ini sebab di akaun AirAsia aku memang flight ke Krabi tidak disenaraikan. Rupa-rupanya memang aku ada beli. Tapi malas nak fikir dulu dan nak fokuskan perjalanan aku di bumi Myanmar ini.
I was in Yangon, Myanmar when I got the notification from AirAsia about my flight to Krabi. I was little shocked because I really thought that I did not bought this ticket and when I checked in my AirAsia account, this flight did not listed in my booking.But I was wrong, I did bought the ticket. But I don't want to think about Krabi first and want to focus with my journey in Myanmar.

Keesokkannya, semasa di dalam kapal terbang pulang ke Kuala Lumpur, aku kena membuat keputusan sama ada mahu balik ke Kuching ataupun bertukar arah ke Krabi. Penerbangan ke Kuching jam 6ptg dan ke Krabi jam 5.30ptg. Tapi aku masih tidak dapat membuat keputusan. 
The next day, when I was in my flight went back to Kuala Lumpur, I need to decide whether I want to go back to Kuching or reroute to Krabi. Flight to Kuching at 6pm and to Krabi at 5.30pm. But still can't make a decision yet.
Airport Shuttle to Krabi Town, 90 baht
Aku sampai di KLIA jam 1 petang. Aku buat keputusan untuk balik ke Kuching. Disebabkan penerbangan aku jam 6, aku merancang untuk ke KL Sentral terlebih dahulu sebab aku dah janji dengan seseorang yang akan membeli buku lonely planet aku dan perjumpaan dirancang jam 3.
I arrrived at KLIA around 1pm. I decided to go back to Kuching. Because of my flight around 6pm, I plan to go down to KL Sentral first because I had to meet someone who wants to buy my Lonely Planet book and this meeting is around 3pm.

Di dalam bas shuttle KLIA, disitulah aku bertukar fikiran untuk terbang ke Krabi. Di dalam bas lagi aku telah membatal temu janji, nasib baik orang tu belum lagi gerak dari office nya. Aku perlu berfikir dengan cepat sebab flight ke Krabi dalam masa 3 jam lagi. Aku terus berlari ke arah pejabat Air Asia sebab aku ingin membeli check-in luggage. 20kg RM44, sebab online dah tidak dapat add-on. Lega, seterusnya kena menukarkan duit ringgit ke Thai Baht. Disebabkan aku hanya 3 hari sahaja di Thailand, maka aku tukar matawang hanya sedikit sahaja, dalam 3000 baht.
In the KLIA shuttle bus, I had changed my mind and decided to fly to KRABI!. I had cancelled my meeting immediately, luckily he is not yet going to meeting point. I need to think fast because my flight is less than 3 hours. I was rushed to AirAsia office to buy check-in luggage. 20kg for RM44 because I can't bought it online. Next, I change my money to Thai Bhat, Because I only in Thailand for 3 days, so I only changed small amount of money, around 300baht.

Pak Up Hostel, Feb 2015, 330 baht dormitory per night
Setelah selesai, aku bergegas mengambil bas ke KLIA2, aku sampai di KLIA2 1jam 15minit sebelum berlepas. Drop bag semua, fuhhh, nasib baik sempat. Nak bagitau disini adalah rancangan ke Thailand adalah sesuatu yang tidak dirancang.
After everything settled, I rushed and took a bus to KLIA2, I arrived KLIA2 1hour 5mins before departure. Drop my check-in luggage, luckily its on time. Just for info, going to Thailand is not plan at all/

Krabi cumalah tempat transit sebelum aku ke tempat tujuan utama aku. Ke mana? Nantilah aku bagitau. Dalam perjalanan ke KLIA2, sempat aku google kejap tentang accomodation di Krabi, of course aku pilih Pak UP hostel. Aku try to book, tak boleh, no available. So aku decide untuk call, then diorang cakap memang tak boleh book through book, just walk in je diorang entertain, jangan risau banyak lagi yang kosong.
Actually, Krabi is just my transit place before I go to main place. Where? I will tell you later. On the way to KLIA2, I googled about the accomodation at Krabi, of course I chose Pak Up, I stayed here before. I tried to book, but can't as it is not available. So, I decided to call them, but they told me they did not accept phone book, only entertain with walk-in guest, they told me not to worried at there are many available rooms.

Perjalanan ke Krabi of course dalam sejam lebih. Smooth flight. Sampai di airport terus aku belikan shuttle bus ticket ke Krabi Town, 90 bath. Di dalam bas memang ramai orang Malaysia.
To Krabi, it was one hour and plus flight. Smooth flight. Arrived airport, I directly went to buy shuttle bus ticket to Krabi Town, 90 bath. In the bus, many Malaysian.

Food Night Market in Krabi Town, HALAL

Salah satu status FB aku yang lepas:
One of my previous FB status:

"Tadi terdgr perbualan sekumpulan warga Malaysia di dlm shuttle bus yg excited sampai Krabi. Perbualannya:

1. Panas jugak Krabi ni ek....
2. Nie macam jalan ke Rawang jer.. ahah, sebijik cam rawang.
3. Eh! Tu kat Batu Caves pun ade....
4. Mcm mana kita nak mkn ek? Kwn dia lantas jwb, cari yg pakai tudong lah.... tapi makcik tu pakai scarf je...
5. Tu kedai jual Bakso! Kwn dia jawab, itu Takoyaki lah!"

"I overheard a conversation of Malaysian group in the shuttle bus as they are very excited arriving in Krabi"

1. Krabi is also very hot...
2. This road is look like on the way to Rawang, ahah, exactly like Rawang.
3. Eh! Batu Caves also having that one
4. How we want to eat in here? Her friend answered, just find someone using Hijab... but that auntie only using scarf....
5. That shop selling Bakso! Her friend answered, that is Takoyaki!"
Shuttle bas tersebut berhenti di sebuah perhentian, seperti syarikat tour agensi. Di cakap sesiapa yang turun Krabi Town, di sinilah kena turun. Dari sini ke Pak Up Hostel kena berjalan lebih kurang 7 minit. Tidaklah jauh sangat. 
Shuttle bus stop at the pitstop in Krabi Town, its look like tour agency company. They said whoever stop at the Krabi Town, the journey end here. From here to Pak Up Hostel need to walk around 7minutes, not so far.

Check-in bilik, nasib baik ada kosong lagi. Aku masuk bilik, berkenalan dengan roomate aku semua. Then aku rehat sekejap. Macam tak percaya pulak aku sampai kat sini. I should be in Kuching right now! Harga bilik dorm Pak-UP Hostel pun dah naik, dulu stay sini around 250baht sahaja, sekarang semalam pun 330baht.
Checked-in my dorm, luckily there still available. I entered the room, getting to know all my roomates. Then I took some rest. I still can't believe that I am in Thailand right now. I should be in Kuching right now having Kolo Mee! Pak Up Hostel dorm price had increase, last time onlu 250baht per night, now its 330bahts per night.
Banana+Nutella Pancake.... Yummy
Later, aku try survey tiket shuttle+ferry ke Koh Pangan. Kebanyakkannya dah penuh dan agak mahal, sesetengah syarikat menjual dalam 850 baht, at last aku dapat hanya lebih kurang 550 baht sahaja. Jika hendak membeli pakej ke, bas tiket ke, sila ke company berhadapan dengan PAK UP hostel, memang murah! Jangan beli kat Pak Up Hostel!
Later, I try to survey the shuttle+ferry ticket to Koh Pangan. Most of it is full and expensive, some of the tour agency offered for 850baht, at last I get the best deal only 550baht. So, if you want to buy tour package, or bus ticket, I recommend this tour agency, it is situated opposite PAK UP hostel, unbelievable cheap. Do not buy at Pak Up Hostel!

So, tiket ke Koh Pangan dah settle, diaorang cakap aku adalah orang yang last. Fuh, nasib baik lagi ada tempat. Aku menggunakan Seatran. Sebab yang lain dah penuh, ada company Lomprayah & Songserm (Lambat sikit)
So, the ticket to Koh Pangan already settled, they said I was the last person before they full. Fuh, luckily still have space for me. I am using Seatran because others companies are full, there are Lomprayah & Songserm (Little bit slow)

So malam kat Krabi Town what I love is the Night Food Market. Malam ni nak melepas geram makan Pad Thai dengan Pancake Nutella. Dah kenyang semua, lepak kat hostel lobby. Borak-borak dengan travellers lain yang mempunyai 1001 pengalaman. Dulu, semasa kurang pengalaman aku banyak mendengar pengalaman, sekarang pulak its my turn to share my experience to them. 
So, what I love Krabi Town at night is the Night Food Market. Tonight, I ate a lot suck as Pad Thai and of course Nutella Pancake. After full, I hang out the hostel lobby. Having a conversation with other travelers who have 1001 experiences. Few years back, when I just started travel and not so much experience, I only listened peoples stories, now its my turn to share my experience to them.

Keesokkan paginya, aku akan pergi ke Koh Pangan untuk Sambutan Bulan Penuh!
The next morning, I am going to Koh Pangan to the FULL MOON Party! 

*This is based on my travel to Krabi on February 2015



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MYTRAVELLICIOUS - Foods & Travel Blog Malaysia: Krabi for the 2nd Time
Krabi for the 2nd Time
MYTRAVELLICIOUS - Foods & Travel Blog Malaysia
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