14 Travel Tips for Mulu National Park

. Pencarian tiket / Ticket Hunting

Perkara pertama yang paling penting bagi seorang backpackers adalah meminimumkan perbelajaan dan memaksimumkan keseronokan semasa mengembara. Selalulah memeriksa tiket penerbangan MASWINGS sama ada daripada Miri-Mulu ataupun Kuching-Mulu. Harga normal tiket pergi-balik selalunya di dalam RM600+. Tetapi jika anda bertuah, anda akan dapat didalam RM150+ untuk pergi balik. Harga inilah yang saya dapat semasa trip Mulu lepas. Jika anda dari Semenanjung, tiket dari Kuala Lumpur ke Miri ataupun Kuching juga di ambil kira.
The most important for backpackers is to minimum the cost and maximize the joy during the journey. If you want to plan to go to MULU, always check for flight ticket from MASWINGS whether from Miri-Mulu or Kuching-Mulu. Normal return ticket for this route is about RM600. But if you are lucky, you can get around RM150 for return. This was the price I got for my last Mulu trip. If you fly from Peninsula Malaysia, you also need to consider the flight from Kuala Lumpur-Miri or Kuching.

2. Hubungi HQ Mulu dahulu / Contact the HQ First

Sila hubungi HQ dengan menggunakan email enquiries@mulupark.com. Mengikut pengalaman saya, mereka membalas email dengan cepat. Paling lambat pun dalam sehari. Jika anda sudah ada tarikh untuk tiket murah ke Mulu, dinasihatkan, jangan membeli tiket tersebut terlebih dahulu. Sila hubungi untuk tempah bilik dan tour terlebih dahulu. Setelah confirm, then you book your flight.
Please contact the HQ through their email at enquiries@mulupark.com. Based on my experiences, they replied their email really fast, the slowest replied about 1 day after. If you already found the cheap flight to Mulu, you are advise, not to buy the flight ticket first. Please contact the HQ for booking your accommodation and tour first. After confirm everything, then proceed with your flight booking.

3. Lapangan Terbang-HQ Park / Airport-HQ Park

Jika anda sampai di lapangan terbang, sila keluar, dan anda akan ternampak sebuah kedai kecil sebelah kanan anda.. Disitulah kedai tiket shuttle bas. Dari Airport ke HQ, Cuma RM5 perjalanan dalam 5 minit. Menggunakan kereta pick-up. Tidak recommend untuk berjalanan kaki sebab agak jauh jugak. Perjalanan agak singkat disebabkan tiada kenderaan sepanjang perjalanan. Jika hendak ke airport pulak, Cuma keluar dari HQ, ada kedai disepanjang jalan selepas anda keluar dari HQ, panggil je orang rumah tu, harga pun sama RM5.
After you arriving Mulu airport, go out and you will see small shop on your right. That is the shuttle bus ticket counter. From airport to HQ, only RM5 for 5 minutes ride using the pick-up car. Not recommend to walk because it seems very far. The ride is short because there is no other vehicle on the road. If you to go to airport, just go outside of the Park HQ, there are shop along the road, the shuttle service is at one of the shop (look for the poster). Only RM5.

Shuttle transport ticket counter at the airport 
4. Tempat Tinggal / Accomodation

Saya menasihatkan untuk tinggal di dalam HQ Park itu sendiri. Sebabnya adalah terdapatnya café disitu beserta dengan WIFI service. Paling murah adalah bilik dorm, dengan harga RM43 ringgit semalam. Biliknya sangat besar dan selesa. Jika anda malang di mana kemudahan tempat tinggal sudah penuh ditempah (WALK-IN memang tidak dinasihatkan), anda boleh tinggal di bilik dorm di luar HQ Park. Di luar HQ, bilik dorm boleh didapati dalam harga RM35 semalam. Tempat tinggal kebanyakkan beserta Café, tetapi, Café dikhuatiri tidak halal kerana kebanyakan tuan rumah adalah bukan islam. Lagipun dorm di luar HQ ini selalunya kosong, anda mungkin berasa agak bosan jika anda mengembara seorang dan tidak ada WIFI.
I advices you to stay in the HQ park itself. Because in the HQ, there have their own café with WIFI service (they only WIFI in MULU). The cheapest room is dormitory, only RM43 per night with breakfast. The room is big and comfortable. But if you’re unlucky enough where the accommodation is full (Not advise for Walk-in), you can stay the dormitory at the outside HQ park, cheaper for around RM35 per night. Most of the place outside also including café, but the Café might not HALAL because most of the owner not Muslim. Plus, the dorm at the outside HQ always empty, you might feel bored if you are alone and no WIFI.

Dormitory at the HQ
5. Tour / Tour

Seperti dikatakan, sila tempah terlebih dahulu sebelum menempah tiket penerbangan. Ini disebabkan kebanyakan tour adalah limited. Cuma 6-10 orang sahaja untuk sesebuah tour. Cuba periksa terlebih dahulu sama ada tour pilihan anda ditawarkan pada hari anda melawat Mulu ataupun tidak. Ini adalah kerana, ada beberapa tour hanya ditawarkan untuk beberapa kali sahaja di dalam bulan tersebut. Boleh dikatakan harga untuk tour disini agak mahal. Untuk tour pinnacle RM350 3hari 2mlm, Mulu Summit RM475 4hari 3mlm. Jika anda datang bukan untuk pinnacle tour, saya cadangkan untuk mengambil tour Clearwater & Wind Cave(RM 55, ada 2 sesi setiap hari), tour Eden Valley (RM130), tour Night Walk (RM15 daily utk 2 jam, ada 2 sesi), tour Mulu Canopy SkyWalk (RM40 daily ada 5 sesi). 
Like I mentioned before, please book the tour before you buy your flight ticket. This is because most of the tour is limited number of participant. Only 6-10 persons for 1 tour. Please check first whether your choices of tour are available on the day you are visiting Mulu or not. This is because, there are certain tour only available a few times in a month. I can say tour in Mulu quite expensive. For Pinnacles tour RM350 3days 2night, Mulu Summit tour RM475 4days 3nights. If you visiting Mulu not for pinnacles tour, I suggest you took the Clearwater & Wind Cave tour (RM55, 2 session daily), Eden Valley tour (RM130), Night Walk tour (RM15 2hours 2 sessions daily) or Mulu Canopy SkyWalk (RM40 5sessions daily)

Clearwater & Wind Cave tour including longboat for RM55 daily

6. Tahap Kecergasan / Fitness Level

Mengikut pengalaman saya, sebelum ke sini, sila sediakan tahap kecergasan yang tinggi. Seperti tour yang senang, Clearwater & Wind Cave memerlukan untuk naik anak tangga yang agak tinggi dan condong. Orang yang berumur memang tidak digalakkkan. Saya pun termengah-mengah untuk naik ke gua ini. Eden Valley tour juga sangat mencabar. Daripada naik anak tangga ke dalam Gua Rusa, memanjat, masuk ke dalam lubang gua yang sempit, mengharungi sungai di dalam gua sampai ke paras dagu, merintangi batu2 yang licin, mendaki anak gunung yang penuh dengan pacat. Fuh. Memang mencabar.
Based on my experiences, before visiting Mulu, please prepare for the high level of fitness. Like the easy tour, Clearwater & Wind Cave tour, you need to climb the stairs which are so high and very steep. Older person are not advisable. I also really tired to go up to the cave. Eden Valley tour also very adventurous. From climbing the stairs in the Deer Cave, climbing the cave stone, go through the small hole of the cave, need to walk through the river which the water level until your chin, need to walk at the slippery stone, climb up to the hill which full of leeches. Fuhs, it was tough!

The stairs to the Clearwater Cave. Very high and slippery

7. Cuaca / Wheather

Jika boleh, risiklah samaada tarikh yang anda rancang nak pergi tu, musim hujan ke tidak. Selalunya di Sarawak, ada bulan-bulan yang tertentu, hujan boleh dikatakan turun setiap hari. Jika hujan, kemungkinan penerbangan anda mengalami kelewatan disebabkan pergi ke MULU menggunakan pesawat ATR. Dan tambahan jugak, jikalau hujan, semua tour yang dirancangan akan dibatalkan, dan diganti pada hari lain.
If can, please check the weather on the day you plan your visit, whether the raining season or not. In Sarawak, there are certain month, I can say, the raining went down every day. If it is raining, your flight might be delay because to MULU, you will fly with ATR flight. Plus, if it is raining, all the tour activities are cancelled and postpone to the next day.

8. Kasut / Shoes

Penggunaan kasut yang sesuai adalah sangat penting disini. Daripada berjalan dari HQ ke gua merentasi jambatan kayu yang sangat licin, naik anak tangga di dalam gua juga licin, memanjat batu-batuan yang besar, menharungi anak sungai, berjalan ke kawasan yang sangat becak penuh dengan lintah. Penggunakan kasut adalah syarat utama jika anda hendak menyertai tour. Penggunaan selipar adalah tidak dibenarkan sama sekali.
Wearing a suitable shoe is really important. From walking from HQ to the cave through the wooden bridge which is very slippery, climbing the stairs in the cave also slippery, climbing the big stone, walking through the river and walking up to the hill full with leeches. Wearing shoes is the main rules if you want to join the tour. Wearing a slipper or sandal are not acceptable and you might not be able to join the tour.

Good shoe for caving activity. This was inside Deer Cave during Eden Valley tour.

9. Sediakan duit yang cukup / Standby enough money

Disebabkan disini tiada kemudahan ATM, sila bawa secukupnya duit anda untuk membayar tempat tinggal, tour, dan makanan. Makanan disini harganya seperti di makan di hotel. Air mineral adalah sangat mahal, untuk 1.5L RM 6. Wifi berhaga RM5 untuk sehari, password ditukar setiap jam 8 pagi.
Because here no ATM service, please bring enough money for your accommodation, tour and food. The foods here are like eating in hotel restaurant. Mineral water here very expensive, for 1.5L RM6. Wifi will cost you RM5 per day, the password will reset at 8am every day.

10. Makan / Food

Jangan terkejut kebanyakan semua yang bekerja di kawasan Mulu ini adalah daripada kaum Iban/Bidayuh/Kenyah/Penan yang beragama Kristian. Makan di Café boleh saya katakan dijamin halal sebab ada jugak melihat kakak yang bertudung. Makan di Café HQ disediakan percuma untuk sarapan pagi. Sarapan pagi anda boleh memilih sama anda untuk makan makanan barat ataupun makanan Malaysia sendiri. Jika anda pilih sarapan Malaysia, menu adalah Nasi Lemak. Jika anda beli sendiri, berharga RM12. Burger disini berharga RM11. Semua makanan di Café ini sangat enak. Sebab itulah saya recommend anda untuk tinggal di sekitar HQ.
Do not be surprise most of staffs in Mulu are Iban/Bidayuh/Kenyah/Penan and Christian. Eating at HQ café I can say HALAL because I saw their staff wearing Hijab. Eating at the HQ café is free during breakfast. For breakfast, you can choose whether you want western food or Malaysian food. If you choose Malaysian breakfast, the menu is Nasi Lemak. The price is RM12 if you want to have extra Nasi Lemak. Burger here RM11. All the foods here are very delicious. That is why I recommend you to stay inside the HQ.

11. Alatan yang wajib dibawa / Things to bring

Alatan yang harus dibawa oleh anda adalah sama seperti jika anda hendak pergi camping di hutan. Saya cadangkan untuk membawa lampu kepala sendiri sebab lampu yang diorang sediakan itu mempunyai bau yang kurang enak sebab ramai yang pakai dan anda boleh juga guna lampu itu untuk berjalan dari dorm anda ke Café sebab jalan yang gelap. Juga boleh bawah sedikit alatan first aid, jika anda cedera ketika tour, tetapi semua tour guide ada bawa first aid jugak. Bawalah ubat sapu untuk gigitan nyamuk. Bawaklah spray untuk menghalang anda digigit oleh binatang yang tidak sepatutnya termasuklah pacat. Jika anda leech sock, memang bagus. Camera kalis air dan bag kalis air jika hujan turun semasa tour ataupun anda kena mengaharungi anak sungai. Jangan lupa untuk bawak baju hujan. 
Things you need to bring are the same if you go camping in the forest. I suggest to bring your own headlight because the headlight they provide is very smelly because so many people used it before and you can also use it at night when you want to walk around HQ. Also you can bring your own first aid, in case you are having injury during your tour, but all the tour guide will bring their first aid. Bring lotion for the mosquito bites. Bring the spray to prevent the incsect bites also the leeches. Leech stock is a good idea. Waterproof camera and bag is very useful when it comes the wet weather or you need to go through the river during your tour. Do not forget to bring your own raincoat. 

Eden Valley Waterfall.

12. Peramah / Be friendly

Just be friendly dengan roommate satu dorm, dengan rakan-rakan di dalam tour anda. Sebelum tour bermula, anda dikehendaki untuk memperkenalkan diri sendiri terlebih dahulu untuk sesi suai kenal. Kebanyakkannya jugak pengambara solo, so boleh lah bertukar-tukar pengalaman. Sewaktu saya di Mulu, kebanyakkan pengembara barat terkejut apabila saya memeritahu saya adalah seorang local dan berasal dari Kuching. Saya jugak telah berkawan dengan beberapa traveler yang lain termasuk seorang tour guide bebas yang sama bilik dorm dengan saya. Cuma ringankan mulut, InsyaAllah the wonders will come after that….
Just be friendly with your dorm mate and the friends in your tour group. Before the tour start, there are self introduction session. There are a lot of solo traveler, so you can exchange the experiences. When I was in Mulu, most of the western traveler, surprised when I told them I am local Sarawak and from Kuching. I also be friends with a few travelers including one freelance tour guide which happen my dorm mate. Just be friendly to everyone, InsyaAllah the wonders will come after that.

13. Nikmati saat terindah / Just enjoy your moment

Jangan risaukan anda tidak dapat talian telefon. Mungkin ada juga mengalami WIFI yang sangat lembab sebab mereka menggunakan talian satelit dan menyebabkan anda tidak dapat mengemaskinikan platform media social anda. Just enjoy every moment of it. Even you having a tough day and journey. Itulah pengalaman yang berharga. Sebab anda ke MULU pun sebab you guys wanna enjoy the adventure kan. Enjoy the wonder of Bat Exodus!, sangat rare ok!
Do not worry with your handphone line. Maybe you experience the bad WIFI connection because they are using the satellite line and you might be can’t updating your social media. Just enjoy every moment of it. Even if your having a tough day and journey. That is priceless experiences. That is why you go to MULU and you want to have an adventure right? And enjoy the wonder of Bat Exodus! It is so rare…

Rare phenomenon. Bat Exodus.

14. Berhati-hati / Be Safe

Apa-apa pun yang anda buat sepanjang tour ataupun sepanjang anda berada di MULU. Silalah berhati-hati. Kita datang dalam keadaan sempurna, diharapkan balik jugak kita masih di dalam keadaan yang sama. InsyaAllah.
Whatever you do during the tour, or at the time you are in MULU, please be safe and careful. We come to MULU with perfect condition, and hopefully going back also in the perfect condition. InsyaAllah.


  1. Lengkap lagi padu Tips ke Mulu !

  2. saya tak pernah sampai di sarawak..nampaknya agak menarik untuk melancong ke sana

    1. Sarawak memang menarik... you should travel here...~

  3. wahh.. dwibahasa ini blog.. was dreaming of going to mulu some day.. these tips would be a lot of help. thanks!

    1. hehehe...try try dwibahasa.... welcome... pegi la mulu next time, seronok

  4. We are going to Mulu next week..thanks for the tips

  5. i am so bookmarking this page sbb memang plan nak ke sini this year. thanks for the info!

  6. thank you for the info. :)
    planning to go to Mulu maybe at the end of this year and early next year.

  7. How to get the pinnacles tour for RM350.00? because i did email them and its RM406.00/person

  8. Great post! Thanks for the info. Headed there tomorrow! :)

  9. Hello .... I'm planning on doing the pinnacle climb next month .... Which tour company would you suggest ?

  10. SALAM...Tip utk ke pinnacle dan g.mulu xde ke bro? ☺

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

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MYTRAVELLICIOUS - Foods & Travel Blog Malaysia: 14 Travel Tips for Mulu National Park
14 Travel Tips for Mulu National Park
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