9 My Best Travel Experiences

Semua orang ada pengalaman baik dan buruk semasa travel. Me, as a solo traveler pun ada cerita-cerita yang tersendiri. Bila terfikir/teringat balik mesti akan tersenyum. Setiap pengalaman, akan memberi pengajaran for the next trip. So, these are my stories that I never forget, Top 9 in random order....

Everyone have good and bad experiences during travel. Me, as a solo travel also has my own story. When I remembered back, will make myself smile. Every Journey, will give you a lesson for the next trip. So, these are my stories that I never forget, Top 9 in random order.

1. Krabi Town - Aku sewa motor, hujan lebat time tu. Lepas sewa motor, aku pun nak jalan2 cari stesen minyak. Its been a long time since I bawak motor. Dalam syok-syok bawak, suddenly kereta kat depan emergency brake. Aku gelebah lalu tersalah tekan brake, tertekan brake depan plak. Terus tak dapat kawal dan eksiden. Motorsikal scratch terok. Aku xdapat nak bangun for 1 minutes sebab perut senak. Nasib baik terjatuh kat tepi jalan depan kedai. Terus orang kat kedai tu tolong. Cakap melayu. Lepas tu aku releks kejap, pastu dah Ok sikit terus balik. Next 3 days nak pulangkan motor tu, sbb passport diorang pegang, if anything kene ganti balik. Sebab scratch tu sebelah kanan motor, aku bawak motor masok kedai nak pulangkan menghadap sebelah kiri. Terus ambik passport, terus blah naik minivan ke Surat Thani.
1. Krabi Town - I rented the motorcycle and that time was heavy rains. After I rented the motorcycle, I want to go the gas station. It is been a long time since I ride the motorcycle. When I in good feeling riding, suddenly the car in front emergency stopped. I was shocked and wrongly pushed the brake, it was the front brake. I can't controlled my motorcycle and got an accident. It was badly scratch on the motorcycle. I can't get up for 1 minutes because of my stomach hurts. Luckily it happened in front of the small shop. The owner of the shop came giving help. He can speak Malay. I relaxed for a short time, after OK then get back to hostel. Next 3 days I want to return the motorcycle, because they hold my passport when rented the motorcycle, if anything happened, I need to pay or else no passport for me. Because of the scratch at the right side, I brought the motorcycle to the rented shop facing left side. Chat a little bit, took my passport then I left Krabi immediately to Surat Thani. Of course I felt guilty. But I do not have enough money.

Krabi, Thailand

2. Phuket - This time, open my eyes about how important "vaccination" before travel. From airport Bangkok, I wanna fly to Phuket. At here, dah rasa tak sedap badan, mcm nak start fever. Yes, sampai di Phuket, aku pun demam, berhari jugak. Tapi tetap jugak ditempuh, 3 hari di Phuket, 1 hari di HatYai, 2 hari di Penang, aku still demam. Tak nak jumpa doktor walaupun ada travel insurance coz alanag2 nak balik Kuching, kalau kene tahan wad, leceh nak beli tiket baru n claim2. Once touch down Kuching fly from Penang terus pegi hospital and admit. Once investgation, been contaminated with Salmonella, maksudnya keracunan makanan or else Typhoid Fever. Admit 3 hari. Worst experience. So pengajaran, ambik vaccination Typhoid Fever! Actually I really thought I got Malaria since my friend who was my roomate in Bali, terkena Malaria, he admitted for 10days...
2. Phuket - This time, open my eyes about how important "vaccination" before travel. From Bangkok airport, I want to fly to Phuket. At here, I felt sick, like want to have a fever. Yes, arrived Phuket, I was having fever for a few days. But still insisted to go to clinic, 3 days in Phuket, 1 day In Hat Yai, 2 days in Penang, I still fever. I do want to go to the clinic even though I got travel insurance because I want to wait going back to Kuching, if I warded in hospital, it so difficult to buy a new flight ticket plus with the claims and everything. Once I touched down Kuching Airport, straight went to hospital and got admitted. Once investigation, been contaminated with Salmonella, means food contaminated or else Typhoid Fever. Ewww. In hospital for 2 days, worst experience so far. So the lesson is, take the vaccination or Typhoid Fever. Actually I really thought I infected with Malaria since my friend who was my roomate in Bali, infected by Malaria, he hospitalised for 10 days!

Khai Island, Phuket, Thailand

3. Chiang Kong - Huay Xai - Aku nak cross Thailand-Laos this time. So, decided nak save time. So, aku ambik Fast Boat, perjalanan 9jam, Hotel aku cakap, I ambik chop departure Thailand then agen akan sampai disitu then I akan cross Laos. Package around Rm180+. After I got my chop depart Thai, I wait n wait, agen tak sampai2. Worst feeling ever. Bygkan. I dont really have any idea that time, sbb chop keluar dah dpt, so I officially bukan Thailand tourist lagi. Call punya call, Alhamdullillah, agent dtg, tapi kelam kabut sikit sbb dah lambat. Naik Fast Boat another story, Fast Boat semua orang cakap sgt bahaya. One mistake, ur boat akan terbalik. Tempat kecik, duduk lutut kat dada, bygkan for 9 hours, laju dan sgt sejuk. Akhirnya selamat jugak sampai Luang Prabang, Laos. Now I can say I survived the Fast Boat. Ape brg slow boat wei...
3. Chiang Kong - Huay Xai - I want to cross Thailand-Laos this time, So I decided to take the fast boat with 9 hourse journey because of the time constrain. My hotel owner said, I need to stamp for Thailand departure, then the agent will wait for me there then I will crossing Laos. The package is around RM180+. After I stamped for Thailand departure, I wait and wait but my agent didn't came. Worst feeling ever. You imagine right, I really do not have any idea that time, because my passport already stamped departure, so I am not officially Thailand's tourist. I try to call my hotel, later, my agent came, but it was quite late and a little bit rushing. Another story is riding the fast boat, everyone said the fast boat is dangerous. One mistake, your boat might collapse. Small space, you sit with your knee at your chest, imagine for 9 hours, it was fast and cold! At last, arrived safely in Luang Prabang, Laos. Now I can say I survived the Fast Boat.

In the fast boat to Luang Prabang, Laos

4. Chiang Mai - After I arrived at Chiang Airport, so naek tuktuk to my hostel. When I sampai di hostel, I realize drop my handphone somewhere. Rasanya I drop it at airport. Luckily that Tuktuk belum jalan lagi, so I asked him to go back to the airport. Sampai kat airport, I really do not know what to do actually, nak tanya orang pun susah. Dalam I jalan kiri-kanan kiri-kanan, tetiba ada sorang mamat dtg, dan dia bagi my handphone... owhhh...! dia tengok gamba kat dalam handphone tu and he waited for me... how wonderfull......
4. Chiang Mai - After I arrived Chiang Mai Airport, I rode a tuktuk to my hostel, when I arrived at my hostel, I realized that I had dropped my mobile phone somewhere. I think I drop it at the airport. Luckily my tuktuk still there, so asked him to go back to the airport. Arrived at the airport, I really do now know what to do actually, want to ask around but got some language barrier. When I walked around, suddenly 1 guys approached me, give me my mobile phone... owhh! He saw my photos in my mobile phone and he waited for me.... How wonderful!

In Chiang Mai, Thailand

5. Guangzhou, China - Masa ni I rasa dunia sgt kecik. I went to couchsurfing gathering in Guangzhou. Here, diorang sangat active, mmg gathering diorang setiap minggu. Suddenly one of them said "I know you!, I saw in Jakarta last time". I was shocked. I really thought he got the wrong person. When I asked when is it, he said it was 2 years ago... Luckily it was correct. Maybe when I travel people seem remembering my face. Hahaha...
5. Guangzhou, China - This time I realized how small is our world. When I went to couchsurfing gathering in Guangzhou, in here, they are quite active, there are weekly gathering. Suddenly one of them said "I know you!. I saw you in Jakarta last time". I was shocked, I really thought he got the wrong person. When I asked when was it, he said it was 2 year ago. Luckily it was correct. Maybe when I traveled people seem remembered my face. LOL.

In Guangzhou, China

6. Sulawesi - I lost my departure card!!! Aku tak sedar bila my departure card hilang, whether in Bali, Lombok or Makassar. Aku tersangatlah nervous! Aku try google kat internet, mmg leceh jugaklah. So, dengan perasaan nervous aku tempuh jugak kaunter imigresen. Imigresen lelaki, dengan muka bengis, that time, ada kawan dia pompuan tengah buat kerja kat sebelah, so time nie dia ok lagi. Aku cakap my card hilang, dia soal kenapa hilang dan bagai. Dia handout the new card. Aku still nervous. Aku isi lagi. Dah abis isi, aku pegi kaunter balik, sudah... kawan pompuan dia dah tak de kat situ. Dia bertambah bengis. Dia tak nak copkan aku nyer passport. Aku actually dah tau dia mintak sogok. Aku dah sembunyi awal2 semua duit. Pastu dia mintak duit RM100!. Aku cakap aku xda duit. Aku buat2 nak call embassy. Dia cakap call lah!. Pas tu aku blah kejap. Pas tu datang balik. Aku tunjukkan dompet aku aku cuma ada ada 150k je tinggal kat dia. Dia bincang2 lagi ng kawan dia. Dia tak nak!. aku cakap aku dah takde duit dah (padahal ade lagi). Pastu aku pura2 keluarkan rm10 lagi dan cakap nak nie ji yg tinggal. MMgg xda duit dah. Dia cakap ok, and pesan jgn hilang lagi lain kali. Worst giler... aku nervous, hanya tuhan je yg tau perasaan time tu, mcm mane kalo aku x dpt balik...waaaa..... Pastu aku google2, kadang2, org yg hilangkan departure card nie aku kene blacklist for the next trip. Alhamdullillah my next Indonesia trip lepas.... :) Pengajaran, Jgn hilangkan departure card anda escpecially di Indonesia. Make sure diorang staple your departure card to ur passport, if check-in hotel check balik ur departure card.
6. Sulawesi - I lost my departure card!! I did not realized when I lost my departure card, whether in Bali, Lombok or Makassar. I was so nervous! I tried to google in internet, the process was quite complicated. So, with my nervous face I go to the immigration counter.  A male with fierce face, but that time his female workmate besides him, so this time he was okay. I told him I lost my departure card, he asked me how I lost it and where. He gave me the new card. I am still nervous and filling the card. Completed and then I went back to the counter, his female workmate already left, he now becoming super fierce, he do not want to stamp my passport, actually I know he want me to bribe him. I already hide all my money early. He asked for RM100 (Yes, in RM), I told him I do not have money. I tried to act like I want to contact my embassy. I left the counter and back again. I showed him my wallet with only 150k rupiah in there. He discussed with his friend something. Then I acted like I searching my money in my pocket, and gave them RM10, and I said that was my last money. He said OK and reminds me not to lost my card again. Really worst, I was really nervous only God knows my feeling that time. What if I cannot went back, then I try to google, they said, sometime whoever lost their departure card, might be blacklisted for the next trip. Alhamdulillah my next Indonesia trip went smoothly. The lesson is, do not lost your departure card especially in Indonesia. Make sure they stapled your departure card in your passport, if you checking-in your hotel, double check your passport and your departure card.

In Makassar, Sulawesi, Indonesia

7. Luang Lrabang to Vang Vieng - That day, was my worst 7 hrs journey. Kepala sakit dan hati pun sakit. From Luang Prabang, 7hrs journey, I naik minivan dengan jalan bengkang-bengkok yang sgt bahaya. Sesiapa yang pernah ikut jalan nie tahu kot what I am talking about. Anyway, nak dijadikan cerita, coz I was solo, of course they gave me dudok depan. Yes, I dapat dudok depan. Tempat dudok depan actually ada 3, 1 for driver, center dan paling tepi passenger seat. I dudok depan, fine... tetiba ada sorang minah tua omputed masok last. Because I was the first dpt naek, so, i should take the seat paling tepi (more comfortable). I kluar, bagi dia masuk dulu dudok, tapi minah ni cakap tak nak masuk. Beberapa kali aku suruh masok dia taknak. Dengan hati yang panas, aku pun mengalah masuk dulu dan duduk tengah for the next 7hrs. Sbb ape tak nak dudok tgh sbb dok kat tengah xde tempat sandar kepala. Bygkan to keep ur head str8 for the next 7hrs walaupun if u want to sleep. Worst! Nasib baik lepas tu org yg dudok blakang compliment me as a Gentleman and a Good Man.... Tapi sepanjang perjalanan mmg hati sakit woo... tambah2 lagi minah tua tu leh tanya, Where is Malaysia.
7. Luang Prabang to Vang Vieng - That day, was my worst 7 hrs journey. I was having a headache and annoying situatin. From Luang Prabang, 7hrs journey, I ride the minivin with super dangerous road. Whoever been in this road, they will know what I am talking about. Because I was solo, of course they gave me to sit next to the driver. Actually, in minivan, 3 person can seat in front. Then, there was a white women tourist, also solo, and last to ride this minivan. So, because I was the first one, I want to seat at the window (more comfortable), so I went out first, to let this white women to seat in front at the center, the the women insisted. A few times I told her to go inside, still insisted. With my "hot temperature" heart, I went to sit back inside and sit at the middle for the next 7 hourrs. Why did not want to seat in the middle, because no head support, imagine you need to keep your head staright for the next 7 hours even if you want to sleep. Worst! Luckily, the other passengers who sat at the back compliment me as a gentleman and a good man. But, along the ride, it was annoying plus the white woman as me "Where is Malaysia?"

In the minivan from Luang Prabang to Vang Vieng

8. Vang Vieng - I stay kat hostel called Spicy Laos Backpacker. Sesapa yang pernah tinggal sini tahu lah mcm mane keadaannya. Let me describe the dorm. This dorm dikelilingi hutan. Then, no wall ok.. so thats mean, its an open air dorm. Each bed ada nyamuk net. So basically, if u lay on ur bed, mmg akan nampak hutan yang gelap. That night, i felt so tired. Maybe that time bukan peak time, matsalleh2 of course lepak2 kat bar tgh2 malam. Diorang ajak, Tapi aku malas sebab nak rehat. Unfortunately that time, tinggal aku sorang. Punyalah sunyi. Cuma bunyi dengar cengkerik je. Bukak mata nampak hutan. Bace je la doa ape2 yang patut. Nasib baik xde bende yg bukan2 muncul. Scary giler that time. I wonder mcm mane antu Laos eh?
8. Vang Vieng - I stayed at the hostel called Spicy Laos Backpacker. Whoever been stayed in this place knows how is the condition. Let me describe the dorm. This dorm is surrounding by jungle. Plus no wall, thats mean its an open air dorm. Each bed got their own mosquito nett. So basically, if u lay on your bed, you will see the dark of the forest. That night, I felt so tired. Maybe that time not the peak time, all other dormmate maybe hanging out at the bar. He invited me but I was too tired. Unfortunately that time, I was the only one left. It was so quite. If I opened my eyes, I can see the jungle. I prayed so nothing unwanted thing will not come out that night. That was scary night. I wonder how is the Laos version of ghost?

Spicy Laos Backpacker Hostel in Vang Vieng

9. Koh Samui - My ferry should be around 8am. They picked me up 7am. My last day, I need to arrive Hat Yai esok hari to catch the flight. My money pun cukup2 untuk beli tiket ferry and bus. Semua dah beli... OK, nak dijadikan cerita. On that day the day I should back to Hat Yai, I woke up at 12pm!!!.. Bayangkan. I miss my ferry and my bus. Trus terjun pegi hotel lobby, terus diorang bgtau "U la orang dicari!", my mistake also sebab tak bagi nombor bilik. So I grab tuktuk, dgn keadaan mamai lagi, terus pegi jetty. Unfortunately no refund and the next fast ferry was the next day. Duit dahlah takde. Nasib baik ada atm, boleh cucok duit sikit. I cari lagi another company. Yes, dapat. Slow ferry. Then I need to catch a train coz semua minibus dah tutup, sama gak ngan bus (sampai surat Thani around 6pm). Only 1 choice left, which was naek train. Train pun around 12am je and naek class yang paling murah (guna fresh air, tingkap bukak tempat dudok keras). Sampai Hat Yai dalam 8pagi. Then trus ke airport. Time tu still tak percaya lagi I dah sampai kat airport because I really believe that I cannot make it on time.
9. Koh Samui - My ferry will be depart at 8am. They picked me up at the hotel at 7am. My last day, I need to arrive Hat Yai tomorrow to catch my flight. My money just enough for the ferry ticket and bus. All been bought. Ok, here what had happened. On the day I should go back to Hat Yai, I woke up at 12pm!. Imagine I miss my ferry and my bus. I rushed to the hotel lobby and then they said "U were the guy they waiting for", my mistake because did not gave my room number. So, I grabbed a tuktuk, and went to the jetty. Unfortunately no refund and the next fast ferry is the next day. I have no money, luckily there are ATM machine around. I try to find another ferry company, luckily there was a slow ferry available. Then I need to catch a train because the minibus station already closed, also the coach bus. Only 1 choice left, which was riding a midnight train. The train was around 12am and I chose the most cheapest class (using fresh air, and very hard chair). Arrived Hat Yai around 8am. Then straight went to the airport. I still did not believe that I safely arrived at the airport because I really thought that I can not make it and miss my flight.

Koh Samui, Thailand


  1. Banyak betul cabaran yang di lalui...

  2. best baca cerita2 u bro... terleka dibuatnya padahal asalnya nk google psal yogja..haha

  3. Menarik pengalaman. Haha. So far alhamdulillah tak kena lagi sampai seteruk tu. Setakat demam tu pernah la kat Padang, Indonesia. Mungkin sebab bandar dia kotor dan berhabuk kot. Hidung sensitif sikit. Haha

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MYTRAVELLICIOUS - Foods & Travel Blog Malaysia: 9 My Best Travel Experiences
9 My Best Travel Experiences
MYTRAVELLICIOUS - Foods & Travel Blog Malaysia
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