Superstar Libra Cruises 5days 4nights - Full Review & What to Expect

Siapa sangka akhirnya aku juga berpeluang untuk bercuti di atas cruise selama 5hari 4malam bermula daripada Pelabuhan Klang – Langkawi – Phuket- Pulau Pinang – Pelabuhan Klang, di atas cruise bernamakan SuperStar Libra. Untuk yang belum mengenali diri aku, aku sebenarnya aku seorang jurutera marin, bekerja di atas sebuah kapal tanker yang membawa gas, dan tempoh pelayaran dan bekerja lebih kurang 4-6 bulan setiap masa. Itulah sebabnya percutian di atas cruise selalunya bukan “priority” bagi aku dengan alasan aku dah puas kehidupan di atas kapal, takkan masa bercuti pun nak luangkan masa di atas kapal? Tetapi bagi aku, daripada mendengar cerita orang lain tentang pengalaman mereka bercuti di atas cruise, kenapa tidak aku mencuba untuk pelayaran singkat ini. Jadi, jom baca review aku, mungkin sedikit sebanyak membantu anda semua mengenai gambaran percutian di atas kapal cruise ini.
Who would expect that I had a chance to holiday on a cruise for 5 days 4 nights starting at Port Klang - Langkawi - Phuket - Pulau Piang - Port Kalang, on a cruise called Superstar Libra. For those who did not know me yet, actually I am marine engineer, who work onboard gas tanker ship, and usually I sailed for 4-6 months. That is why, holiday on a cruise is not really my "Priority" as I work life onboard a ship, it is not a good idea to spend a holiday on a ship again... But for me, I do not like to listen or read the stories from other peoples, and I need to experience myself to have a holiday on cruise ship. So here is my review, hopefully you can get some pictures about what will you experience.

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Harga / Price

Selalunya perkara pertama orang akan bertanyakan harga. Ini aku senaraikan harga untuk pakej percutian di atas Starcruises Superstar Libra.
Usually, the first thing people ask is the price. Here I listed all the packages price for your holiday on Starruises Superstar Libra.

(Only for Sailing on September - Disember 2017)

Package 5Days 4Nights (Mininum 2 pax)
Kuala Lumpur > Langkawi > Phuket > Penang > Kuala Lumpur
From RM1104 

Package 5Days 4Nights (Mininum 2 pax)
Penang > Kuala Lumpur > Langkawi > Phuket > Penang
From RM1104 

Package 4Days 3Nights (Mininum 2 pax)
Kuala Lumpur > Phuket > Penang > Kuala Lumpur
From RM854 

Package 4Days 3Nights (Mininum 2 pax)
Penang > Kuala Lumpur > Phuket > Penang 
From RM854

Biasanya terdapat promosi daripada semasa ke semasa, jadi followlah Facebook Page Starcruises Malaysia ketat-ketat atau boleh lawat laman web rasmi diorang kat, supaya anda tidak terlepas peluang keemasan. Sedikit tips: selalunya sewaktu Matta Fair, harga pakej yang ditawarkan adalah sangat murah, contohnya sewaktu Matta Fair minggu lepas, harga pakey untuk 5hari 4malam adalah serendah RM899 seorang.
You can check their promotion from time to time. You can follow their Facebook Page at or their official website at Travel tips: During Mattar Fair, the package offered is really cheap and affordable. Example last week Matta Fair, Superstar Libra 5days 4nights package offered was RM899.

Registration at the Bousted Cruise Centre

SuperStar Libra at Port Klang

Caj-caj lain / Other Charges

Untuk pengetahuan anda semua, harga pakej yang ditawarkan pihak Starcruises adalah untuk harga bilik kabin basic 2 orang dan makan 5 kali sehari. Tetapi ada caj-caj lain [bukan dalam harga pakej] yang perlu anda bayar, samada yang wajib ataupun caj servis tambahan. Ini aku senaraikan:
For your info, all the packages offered by Starcruises are including basic twin kabin for 2 peoples, and full meal 5 times a day. But there are other charges (not in the packages price) which you need to pay, whether it is compulsory or additional charges)

1. Port tax : RM150-RM200+ mengikut pakej yang anda ambil (Wajib)
2. Graituity tax: RM150-RM200+ mengikut pakej yang anda ambil (Wajib)
3. Minuman selain minuman yang disediakan (Pilihan)
4. Menu ala-carte di Blue Lagoon Restaurant (Halal) (Pilihan)
5. Jika anda non-muslim, tetapi hendak makan di Spices Restaurant (Pilihan). Bagi yang muslim, menjamu selera di Spices Restaurant adalah percuma, tetapi anda perlu membuat tempahan terlebih dahulu.
6. Makan ala-carte menu di luar masa yang disediakan & restaurant yang lain (setiap breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, akan disediakan di restoran-restorang tertentu sahaja mengikut jadual)
7. Gala Dinner (Pilihan)
8. Pakej shore execution (Pilihan)
9. Spa&Massage Center (Pilihan)
10. Bridge tour (Pilihan)
11. Kitchen tour (Pilihan) 
12. Upgrade bilik (Pilihan) sebab bilik yang ditawarkan adalah basic cabin, jadi jika anda hendak lebih selesa, bolehlah upgrade bilik

Tetapi terdapat juga pakej-pakej daripada agensi pelancongan yang diiktiraf yang menawarkan harga yang berpatutan, walaupun kadang-kadang, nilai pakej lebih tinggi tetapi mungkin apa yang mereka tawarkan dan servis tambahan sudah terdapat di dalam pakej tersebut, contohnyan seperti pakej shore execursion dan sebagainya. Apa-apapun, mintak nasihat dengan company yang menawarkan pakej tersebut.
There are many certified travel agency which offering affordable package price, even though the price might be a little bit higher, but what they offered inside the package maybe a little bit extra,  for an example, it is including the shore excursion. For whatever package they offer, make sure you ask for more details and information especially what's include and what's not include.

After coming from shore, there is security check and every bag need to scan

Ready for the Sail Away Dinner Party

Itinerari Pakej 5 hari 4 malam SuperStar Libra
Package Itinerary 5 days 4 nights SuperStar Libra

Ini adalah itinerary aku sepanjang 5 hari 4 malam di SuperStar Libra. Diingatkan kemungkinan aktiviti untuk pakej anda adalah berbeza.
Here is my 5 days 4 nights itinerary on a SuperStar Libra. Just a reminder, activities for your package might be different.

*Breakfast (7am-10am), Lunch (12pm-3pm), High Tea (3pm-4pm), Dinner (6pm-9pm), Supper (11pm-12.30am)

Day 1
6pm – Immigration, Embarkation, Checked-In Cabin
8pm – Dinner & Sail Away Party – Ship Embarked
9pm – Mandatory Passengers Safety Drills
10pm – Showtime
11pm – Free & Easy
11.30pm - Supper

Day 2
10am – Kitchen Tour
3.30pm-7pm – Langkawi
 9.15 – Showtime

Day 3
10am-4pm - Phuket
6.30pm – Gala Dinner
9.15pm – Showtime

Day 4
9am-4pm – Penang
7pm – Farewell Dinner Party

Day 5
9am – Arrived Port Klang. Bye!!

Banyak masa aku di atas cruise ini free & easy. Banyak juga yang aku buat, terutamanya berendam dalam kolam renang yang ohsem, berendam dalam jacuzzi sambil layan langit membiru, main bola keranjang, ping pong, layan sunset, melihat orang kat kasino [lol], atas ni jugak ada "bar", disko, keday shopping free tax, spa & massage. Aktiviti untuk budak-budak pun banyak. Setiap hari aktiviti yang dianjurkan oleh pihak cruise adalah berbeza. Jadi, anda kenalah sentiasa check jadual program di "Daily Navigator" dan anda bolehla merancang hari anda di atas cruise.
Usually most of my time on the cruise was free & easy. You can do many things such as, outdoor pool, Jacuzzi, playing basketball, table tennis, sunset watching, gambling in the casino, there also a bar, a disco, shops, massage and spa. Children activities also various. Every day the activities organized by the cruises are different, you need to check their daily “Navigator” for the programme and plan your day.

Level 10, top deck to wait for the sunset

If at my ship, we call here "Monkey Island", but here there is a bar to chill out

Kad Identiti adalah segalanyaIdentity card is everything

Sebelum anda naik ke cruise pada hari pertama, semasa pendaftaran anda akan diberikan satu kad identity. Kad ini adalah segala-galanya maklumat tentang diri anda. Kad ini diperlukan untuk keluar masuk cruise semasa sampai di destinasi. Kad ini juga digunakan untuk bilik kabin anda, semasa pergi makan, perlu swipe kad ini juga sebelum masuk ke restoran. Dan kad ini juga untuk digunakan untuk membuat caj caj extra sekiranya anda mengambil servis extra, minuman, makanan ataupun shopping. Kad ini tidak boleh hilang sama sekali. Travel tips: sila bawak lanyard anda sendiri, senang, tak payah risau kad itu hilang. Pada hari terakhir, sebelum anda keluar dari kapal, anda kena membuat bayaran ke atas semua caj yang telah dikenakan.
Before you board the cruise on the first day, during the registration, you will be given an identity card. This card is everything about your information. This card is required during in/out of the ship when at you arrived at the destination. This card also use for your cabin key, to go to the restaurant, which you need to to swipe it before you enter. And this card also need for the extra charge services, drinks, ala-carte food or shopping. This card cannot be lose. Travel tips: bring your own lanyard, for your own convenience, so no need to worry if it drop somewhere. On the last, before you can off the cruise, you need to clear all the payment that had been charged to you.

Your life on the ship. Don't lost it!!


Jika berkenaan dengan kapal, maka Safety drills adalah wajib. Ini adalah untuk memenuhi requirement SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea). Kenapa SOLAS wujud, sebabkan oleh bencana Titanic tahun 1912. Jika di kapal tempat aku bekerja, dalam satu bulan akan terdapat 3-5 jenis drills yang perlu dibuat. Jadi sebenarnya kehidupan orang kapal adalah penuh dengan drills. Sila bagi kerjasama dengan krew-krew yang bertanggungjawab dengan drills ini. Ikut arahan. Sepanjang anda di dalam kapal, sentiasa waspada dengan bunyi Siren. Jika terdapat bunyi siren sebanyak 7 kali pendek, dan 1 kali panjang, maka ia adalah siren kecemasan. Jika anda berada di luar kabin, anda boleh terus ke Muster station anda [dicatat di kad identity]. Jika anda berada di bilik, sila bawak jaket keselamatan anda bersama.
If it is relation with ship, so Safety drills is compulsory. This is because of SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) requirement. Why SOLAS exist, this is because of Titanic disaster in the year 1912. If at my ship that I worked with, every months we need to do 3-5 various drills every month. So, that is how seafarer life on board, full with drills. So for you, give your full co-operation with the crew in charged during the drills. Follow the instruction. During on the cruise, alert with the siren & alarm. If you hear siren for 7 short blast and 1 long blast, it is an emergency. If you outside your cabin, you can directly go to your muster station [refer to your identity card]. And if you are in your cabin, bring along your life jacket.

Lifeboat... know your master station if emergency

Cabin Room

Aku dapat bilik di tingkat 3. Selalunya, jika hendak ke bilik, memang akan sesat sebab bilik-bilik di situ adalah seperti maze. Terdapat 2 katil single, saiz lebih kecil daripada katil single biasa. Ada almari, toilet, dan TV dimana kita boleh melihat channel “live show” yang tengah berlaku di atas kapal, ada jugak channel untuk melihat CCTV di bahagian kapal. Apa yang penting disini adalah, bilik hanyalah untuk tempat anda tidur, dan kebanyakannya anda mungkin akan meluangkan masa di persekitaran kapal. Tetapi anda boleh menaik taraf bilik anda kepada bilik pilihan anda, dengan menambah caj bilik.
I stayed at Deck 3. Usually, when I want to go back to my room, I will always lost as the cabin here is like a maze. It my room, there are 2 single bed, which smaller than normal single bed. Got cupboard, toilet and TV, where you can watch "live show" onboard and there is also TV channel for the ship CCTV, where you can see the front sideview of the ship. What's the most imporant point here, cabin is only for you to sleep, and most of your time you will spend outside the cabin. But if you want more comfortable cabin, you can upgrade it which extra charges.

Basic Cabin Twin Bed

24inch TV

A Porthole in my room, can see the view outside

Bathroom and toilet

Bathroom sink, the plastic hose on the right is a hair dryer


Makanan & Restoran / Food & Restaurants

Jika anda seorang yang gemar untuk makan semasa bercuti, aku rasa percutian cruise adalah sangat sesuai untuk anda. Manakan tidak, makan 5 kali sehari, seolah-olah makan tanpa henti dari pagi sehingga malam. Makanan-makanan yang disediakan, fuh! Memang pelbagai, menarik dan sedap. Ada 5 buah restoran yang anda boleh pilih. Tetapi di setiap sesi, ada beberapa restoran sahaja yang yang menghidangkan makanan, jadi sila rujuk “Daily Navigator” yang diberikan di setiap bilik pada setiap hari untuk mendapatkan maklumat. Di atas cruise ini juga, terdapat 2 restoran halal iaitu Blue Lagoon dan Spices Restaurant. Untuk menjamu selera di Spices Restaurant, anda sepatutnya membuat tempahan terlebih dahulu kerana kadang-kadang tempat adalah terhad. Kedua-dua restoran ini mendapat sijil halal Malaysia, dan kebanyakan chef dan pekerja restoran adalah dari Malaysia. Restoran yang lain tidak mempunyai sijil halal tetapi bebas daging khinzir. Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk menyertai Gala Dinner. Gala Dinner ini lebih rasmi dan dihadari oleh kapten dan ketua jurutera. Terdapat juga persembahan daripada krew-krew restoran.

If your hobby during holiday is eating, I think holiday on a cruise really suit you. As you will eat for 5 times a day, it's like eating non-stop from morning till midnight. All the foods, fuh!, interesting and really good. There are 5 restaurants you can choose. But every session, there are different restaurant which served the meal. So refer to your "Daily Navigator" which given to every room to get more information. On SuperStar Libra, there are 2 Halal restaurant, which are Blue Lagoon and Spices Restaurant. To have your meal at Spices Restaurant, you need to make early reservation as the space are very limited. Both restaurant are Halal Jakim Certifies and mostly the chefs and crews are from Malaysia. Other restaurants are not halal as they served alchohol and still free-pork. Do not forget to join the Gala Dinner and dress up. Gala Dinner is more formal and attended by the captain and chief engineer. There are also a performances by the restaurant crews.

Farewell Dinner Party - Grilled Chickens

Farewell Dinner Party - Seafooddddsss

Farewell Dinner Party - Cute cake!

Ready for Gala Dinner, the top managements in their best looks

Gala Dinner - Our table

Gala Dinner - Appetiser - California Maki with Pan Seared Maguro, Petite Salad Served with Green Pea Puree and Sesame Dressing

Gala Dinner - Main Course - Grilled Salmon and  Lobster Thermidor Seasonal Vegetable with Garlic Butter Sauce

Gala Dinner - Dessert - Rich Dark Chocolate Mousse, Strawberry Sauce and Frutie Coulis

Dinner at certified Halal Restaurant - Spices Restaurant

Dinner at certified Halal Restaurant - Spices Restaurant - "Daging Masak Kayu Manis"

Dinner at certified Halal Restaurant - Spices Restaurant - "Ikan Masak Lemak"
Do you know when you on board the cruise, you will provided with meals for 5 times daily? Here are the western cuisine for our lunch at Four Season Restaurant on StarCruises SuperStar Libra... 😘😘 . . Myself on a cruise trip for 5days 4night with @starcruisesasia, SuperStar Libra... The route is KL-Langkawi-Phuket-Penang-KL 😍😍😍.... . . Currently @Starcruisesasia having a promotion... The price is affordable!! Seriously, worth the money.....Do check them out!! You should experience this once in your lifetime... . . For collaboration, contact us! 🌴 Link at profile 🌴 . . . #starcruises #superstarlibra #starmoment #mytravellicious #travelblogger . . #travelblog #traveling #instatravel #tourism #igtravel #igworldclub #wanderlust #travelingram #travelgram #wanderlust #travel #backpacking #globe_travel #globetrotter #traveladdict #malaysia #luxurytravel #luxuryhotel #travelersplace #hotelchkr #cruises
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Persembahan Live /  Live Shows

Setiap malam akan terdapat Live Show Performance akan berlangsung di Stardust Louge. Pergh, semua persembahan adalah sangat hebat dan memukau, dengan adegan acrobatic, cabaret, tarian, nyanyian dan magic show. Stardust Lounge adalah seperti panggung auditorium yang menyediakan kerusi yang selesa. Travel Tips: Jangan ketinggalan yang ini tau! Kalau tak, rugi..
Every night there will a live show performances which happen at Stardust Lounge. Perghh, all the performances are great and absolutely amazing, with acrobatic acts, cabaret, dances, singing and magic show. Stardust Lounge is like mini auditorium which offering comfortable seat.  Travel Tips: Do not miss to watch the show every night! If not, you are in big losses.

Live show performance during Sail Away Party

Live show performance during Sail Away Party

Live show performance during Sail Away Party

Aktiviti Riadah / Leisure activities

Banyak aktiviti-aktiviti riadah dan santai di atas cruise ni. Contohnya bola keranjang, ping pong, renang, anda boleh jogging, menikmati Jacuzzi, dan bersenam. Pagi-pagi terdapat aktiviti senaman yang dianjurkan oleh pihak cruise, seperti Zumba, dan aerobic. Sila rujuk “Daily Navigator” untuk aktiviti penuh.
There are a lot of leisure activities on board this cruise. For example, basketball, table tennis, swimming, you also can jogging around the ship, having a good jacuzzi and exercising. Every morning, there will be exercise activity which organized by the cruises, such as Zumba and aerobic. Again, refer to "Daily Navigator" for the full activities. 

Pool time!


Dance time!


Let's have some jazz

80's dance session
Enjoying jacuzzi on the top deck at StarCruises SuperStar Libra... 😘😘 while the sun slowly set down.... Bye Phuket!!! . . Myself on a cruise trip for 5days 4night with @starcruisesasia, SuperStar Libra... The route is KL-Langkawi-Phuket-Penang-KL 😍😍😍.... . . Currently @Starcruisesasia having a promotion... The price is affordable!! Seriously, worth the money.....Do check them out!! You should experience this once in your lifetime... . . For collaboration, contact us! 🌴 Link at profile 🌴 . . . #starcruises #superstarlibra #starmoment #mytravellicious #travelblogger . . #travelblog #traveling #instatravel #tourism #igtravel #igworldclub #wanderlust #travelingram #travelgram #wanderlust #travel #backpacking #globe_travel #globetrotter #traveladdict #malaysia #luxurytravel #luxuryhotel #travelersplace #hotelchkr #cruises
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Ramai yang bertanyakan tentang internet. Relaks!.. bagi pendapat aku, internet tak perlu pun sebab anda naik cruise adalah untuk bercuti dan melupakan segala hal kerja. Kalau anda tidak boleh hidup tanpa internet untuk 3-5 hari, maka anda bolehlah melanggan pakej internet yang disediakan. Suprising kelajuan adalah sangat mantap. [Teringat kat atas kapal aku, internet kat tgh laut mcm siput sedut, tapi tetap bersyukur lah ada kerana dapat menghubungkan aku dengan keluarga walaupun berada di tengah lautan] Aku tidak berapa ingat pakej yang dikenakan, tetapi untuk akses penuh internet 5hari 4malam adalah berhaga USD152.
A lot had questionned me about the internet. Relaks!.. in my opinion, internet is  not really important you want a holiday on a cruise and forget about work stuffs. But if you can't live without an intrnet for 3-5 days, you can subscribe their internet package. The wifi surprisingly work really fast [I remember onboard my ship, the internet was slow like a snail, but I still thankful for that facility, can connected me with my family when I at the middle of the ocean]. I do not really remember how much the other package, but for the full internet access 5 days 4 nights, is USD152.

Here come the sunset

Exploring the cruise


Kapal berlabuh di kawasan Resort World Langkawi. Di sini bagi aku masa agak singkat dari jam 3.30pm sehingga 8pm. Aku hanya sempat ke cable car Langkawi. Itupun perjalanan dari pelabuhan dalam 30 minit, lebih kurang RM25 menggunakan Grab. Jika nak guna GRAB, anda kena berjalan ke aras Resort World Langkawi, dan tunggu driver anda kat sana, sebab terlampau ramai pemandu teksi dan van di pintu masuk jetty.
The ship had berthing at the pier near the Resort World Langkawi. For me here, the time too short as from 3.30pm till 8pm. I just went to the Langkawi Cable Card. The journey from the pier is around 30 minutes, if using GRAB, around RM25. If you want to use GRAB, just walk outside towards the Resort World Langkawi and wait your driver over there as there are too many taxi and van drivers at the jetty entrance gate.

Cable car Langkawi

I came here last time on 2007, 10 years ago


Start pada jam 9pagi sehingga jam 4 petang. Akan menggunakan shuttle ferry ke jetty terminal. Dari jetty terminal, akan naik bas selama 1 jam ke Patong. Ini adalah kali ke-3 aku ke Phuket. Nothing much too see pada siang hari ini. Just explore Bazaan Market, Jungceylon, dan Pantai Patong. Lagipun hari agak panas, Cuma lepak kat café-café lebih best. Secara jujur, Phuket adalah lebih seronok dan hidup jika malam menjelma, siang? Nothing much.
You will go out around 9am untill 4pm. Will using shuttle ferry to the jetty terminal. From jetty, you will go to Patong by bus for 1 hour. This is my 3rd time in Phuket. Honestly, nothing much to see on a day in Patong. I just explored Bazaan Market, Jungceylon Mall and Patong Beach. Plus the weather is really hot. Then I just chilled out at the cafe around there. Phuket is more alive at night, and more interesting activities is at the island.

Patong Beach

Banana Pancake


Bermula jam 10am sampai 4petang. Terminal pelabuhan adalah di dalam bandar dan sangat dekat dengan kawasan attraction penang. Aku sempat ke Foods Museum dan Jawi House Gallery & Café. Aku memang minat dengan Penang vibes ni.
Starting from 10am till 4pm. Port terminal located at the center of the town and very near with all the attraction. I just went to the Food Museum and Jawi House Gallery & Cafe. Always love Penang vibes.

Food Museum - I can't get enough with Penang Laksa

Penang Kapitan Keling Mosque

Kesimpulan / Conclusion

Percutian di atas cruise ini sebenarnya adalah lebih kepada masa anda meluangkan masa di dalam cruise ini sendiri. Itulah tarikannya.
Holiday on a cruise is actually about how you spend your time on a cruise itself. That is the special of it.

Penang, Langkawi, Phuket bagi aku adalah tarikan sampingan sahaja sebab anda keluar pada masa yang singkat sahaja dengan kebanyakannya adalah waktu siang. Anda mungkin akan sedikit bosan jika anda pernah melawat kesemua tempat tersebut sebelum ini.
Penang, Langkawi, Phuket for me is only additional attraction to the package and not that  really important as limited time to explore those city, as it is on a day and nothing much you can do. You might get bored if you had visited those places before.

Aku puas hati dengan makanan yang dihidangkan terutamanya di Mariner semasa Sail Away Party dengan Farewell Dinner Party sebab banyak makanan laut yang segar. 5 kali makan sehari sangat berbaloi.
I was really satisfy with the food especially at the Mariner during the Sail Away Party and Farewell Dinner Party as there a lot of fresh seafoods been served. 5 meals per day is really worth it!

Restoran yang mempunyai sijil sah halal dari Jakim adalah tersangat bagus dan memudahkan. Makan tanpa was-was.
Restaurants with Halal certification from Jakim are really good and convenient. You can eat confidently here.

Krew-krew kapal adalah sangat awesome, welcoming dan friendly.
All the crew on board are awesome, welcoming and really friendly.

Bergantung kepada cuaca jugak. Jika keadaaan cuaca tidak baik, anda mungkin mengalami mabuk laut yang boleh menghancurkan mood bercuti anda.
Depends on the weather. If the weather is not good, you will get seasick which can spoil your holiday mood.

Apa-apapun, enjoy! Jangan sedeh-sedeh dan jangan bawak sangat perangai tu.
Whatever it is, enjoy! Don't be sad and don't bring your annoying habits.

Sunset at Port Klang

My Rating

Food 8.5/10 - Love it every time!

Facilities 8/10 - I was busy with all the activities! Love it!

Fun 8/10 - I on board the cruise with amazing friends. So it was fun journey

Shore Experience 7/10 - Not so much to enjoy as limited time. And most the place I really enjoyed it.

Entertainment 8.5/10 - Live show performances was fabulous. Love it!

Interior of the cruise 7/10 - Do not expect to much. It just old school design, and not really luxurious interior. It's more like 4 star hotel.

Room 7/10 - Too small for the my size (LOL!!). Limited electrical plug. But still okay. Not adore it. When you sleep, you cannot move your body to much. Always can upgrade your room for more comfortable.

Overall 8/10 - It all about the friends with you during the holiday, if they are fun to be with, so your holiday will becoming much more fun.

Will I go on the cruise again?
Yes, as I make some research around the internet, I found that many new cruises with really amazing facilities and more luxurious. Love to experience more cruise in the future. It's not that bad though.

I survived on a cruise ship... How about you?


  1. great experience ! malangnya saya mabuk laut masuk hari kedua hahhaa. tapi memang awesome :)

  2. Panjangnya entry.. boleh bookmark for cruise travel information. Sangat berguna. Bab makan fresh seafood tu yg tk tahan.. i love seafood. Jacuzi live tengok langit.. bestnyer.. slmt bercuti ya!

  3. Dah pernah naik sekali tapi dah lama dah, memang pengalaman yang menyeronokkan. Terasa nak naik semula bila tgok gambr2 kat sini

  4. tak pernah naik cruise, Nampak macam best aje, next vacation I plan cruise haha

  5. bestnya! harap one day dapatlah merasa naik cruise ni hehe dapat tengok pemandangan cantik cantik dari atas kapal ehee

  6. Memang tekat satu hari nanti akan naik cruise ni juga tengok lah geram kita tau tak dapat hari tu hehehehe tak apa next year lah sekarang time laut bergelora...

  7. Wowww..bestnya...tapi tu la..akak ni jenis mabuk laut...tapi suka ja island hoping kt phuket tu...tapi sekali ombak bergelora mau ber uwek2 jugak dalam tu

  8. I've not got the chance to go on a cruise yet. I hope that when I do, the weather will be fantastic and I will not suffer from seasickness!

  9. Memang satu pengalaman yang bermakna bila dapat luangkan masa bercuti seperti ini. Dengan satu harga, banyak lokasi dapat dijelajahi.

    Dah lama x naik cruises

  10. Seriously menarik. Tak pernah lagi naik cruise ni. Teringin pula nak naik

  11. seeing your pictures, I feel like booking a trip myself.

  12. Wow lengkap padat mampat artikel ni. Pakej bagus. Caj-caj lain pun di maklumkan. Lokasi trip juga ada. Bagus betul. Ruby bookmark sesiap blog ni. Well done!

  13. Makanannya nampak sangat enak! Nak try cruise ini bila ada holiday haha

  14. Common Abang Fatli, aku tgh garu kepala pikir Titanic mana plak accident tahun 1943.
    Aku rasa kalu ngko pegi master station, sure kena halau ngan Captain.
    Anyway, thanks for other great info.

  15. wahhh.... dwi bahasa... awesome lah... So much fun to be had.. I miss my own cruise trips... huhuhu

  16. yea i agree that the room/ cabin is kinda small.. but i guess on a ship and you're not paying for a luxury room then i guess that's what you get.. the bed looks really narrow actually.. but am so jealous you went on this trip! One of my gaols to go on a cruise one day!

  17. Hopped on earlier in April, so much fun and I believe there's another time for me

  18. This is my dream to stay on cruise. I love the luxurious condition.

  19. Look really enjoyed for u with the cruise

  20. Good write-up n worth reading. Thx for sharing your experience.

    Makanan kt restaurant lain tu blh ke mkn? Kalu tk g gala dinner ada tk tmpt lain nk mkn tanpa charge?

  21. SALAM,
    berkenaan caj servis tambahan, adakah terlalu mahal? my next trip on this april. so i nk buat budget. takut nt terover makan or do some activity..
    7. Gala Dinner (Pilihan)
    9. Spa&Massage Center (Pilihan)

  22. hai..boleh personally contact u tak..sebab nak bercuti tapi banyak soalan nak email : no :01123759619...i really need help..please...

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MYTRAVELLICIOUS - Foods & Travel Blog Malaysia: Superstar Libra Cruises 5days 4nights - Full Review & What to Expect
Superstar Libra Cruises 5days 4nights - Full Review & What to Expect
Superstar Libra Cruises 5days 4nights - The Review & What to Expect
MYTRAVELLICIOUS - Foods & Travel Blog Malaysia
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